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I currently have a back-log and can only

take custom orders for powder horns.


So, now that you have decided to order; what, you ask, is the first step?

Well I have a few questions for you to consider and when you are ready,

click on the form below and fill out the information.


           1.  What style of horn holds your interest?

                       - French and Indian War - Revolutionary War - Southern banded - flat horn or contemporary.      

        2. Size of horn desired?

                       - Small (day, pocket or primer) Medium (13 - 15") or Large (15 - 18", this is normal F&I size).

        3. Right or left side carry?

        4. Carried with a bag, separate, or opposite side?

                       - This determines the amount of curve in the horn... i.e. less curve for a bag horn.

        5. Desired design to be engraved on the horn?

                       - I will not duplicate any copy-righted work and I do not do portraits.

        6. Is there a specific wood you would like?

                       - I currently have walnut and maple in stock and can procure cherry if desired.

        7. Amount you want to spend on a horn?

                       - My horns range in price from $350 (plain) to $1,200 (fully carved and engraved).


    Answering these questions gives me an idea of what you want and then I will call or e-mail you to finalize details and  answer any of your questions.  I then sketch a design for your approval.  Once design is approved by you, a quote is given and a 15% deposit is required.


I hope this clarifies things, and I am looking forward to making

an heirloom-quailty horn for you!

Once you have filled out the form, mouse over the bottom right hand side of the screen, select save. Then e-mail the form to me or click on prnt to print and snail mail to me.



Due to an extreme back-log


I am currently NOT taking any custom orders


I will have items for sale at Shows and Events I am attending

and in the "For Sale" section of

my Website

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