Whitetail Antler...Throws 75 grains of fffg.
Whitetail Antler...Throws 75 grains of fffg.
This is a custom order horn gorget made for the commander of the Maryland Compay of Rogers Ranger, Jaegers BN. It carried the crest of Lord Baltimore on the face and the Rangers RR cipher on the back. The green silk florets are handmade as with the red silk neck cord. It is secured by horn posts and a waxed linen cord.
Back of gorget showing cord attachment
This is a gentleman's rum horn with stand. It is lined with brewer's pitch and "rum tight" (watertight). it is engraved with prose, Jacob Gay style of lettering and period imaged obtained from original pieces.
made for my wife and engraved with the sun.
showing horn cross bar
shown worn in the hair.
made for my wife and engraved with the sun.
Custom 3 bone wingbone turkey call
A custom Acorn tape measure made entirely from horn and silk ribbon. the top of the acorn spins to wind up the ribbon.
3 feet of silk ribbon marked in 1 inch increments.
A custom Acorn tape measure made entirely from horn and silk ribbon. the top of the acorn spins to wind up the ribbon.