Engraved Horns

this is an F&I styled horn with a map of the Juniata valley showing the Burt Cabins Indian path. The other side of the horn carry's the owner's name and a phrase in Old German: "On this very Indian Path, walked men and women as we are today."

this view shows the spiral carved base plug with ivory cabochon inlay that is engraved with St. Huberus

This is a United States Marine Corps horn engraved with e USMC cipher, a bible verse and the owners name.

The Lord is my strength and my shield, my heart trusts in him. Psalm 28: 7

Custom powder horn that I would consider a transitional horn. It would have been made between the French & Indian and Revolutionary Wars. This horn won a Judges Choice ribbon at the 2012 Dixon’s Gunmakers Fair in Kempton, PA

Horn shown in a collage of accouterments all made by me with the exception of the gorget.

This is a Tansel inspired horn with fish mouth at throat and typical Tansel embellishments throughout the engraving. Here we see the federal Eagle

A typical tansel border at base.

This is a Lake George school horn made in the style of John Bush or Samuel Lounsbury. The only out of context image would be the fox but it does fit the theme well.

This is a custom family horn made in the F&I style. It carries a fun folky art crest of the family dogs on either side of a fraktur style heart. the bottom of the horn carries a baroque cartouche with 42, representing their 42nd wedding anniversary. The borders carry various elements of the 18th century cast iron fence surrounding their home.

This pouch and horn set was raffled off at Dixons in 2014. The pouch was patterned after an original and made by Frank Willis

The horn was made by me in the fashion of a north eastern PA Fraktur Styled horn. The saying on the side is: "May God the highest watch over thee."

Here I am modeling the set at Ft. Frederick 2014

This pouch and horn set was raffled off at Dixons in 2014. The pouch was patterned after an original and made by Frank Willis

An F&I map horn from Ft. Frederick to Ft. Necessity. The throat is adorned with cove molding panels instead of engrailing and has a tulip shaped tip. the base is rope carved and has a bone inlay.

This is a family horn I made for a dear friend. On one side it carries her Welsh family crest and a baroque fleur-de-lis. the other carries her name and text. the bottom of the horn carries various panels specific to her family history.

I made this personal horn in 2007 to carry at F&I events. It has a 1755 french map of the Susquehanna valley on one side, repeating pattern and native name on other.

This is a rendition of a Pennsylvania applied tip horn that is pictured in Madison Grant's book: "Powder Horns and Their Architecture."

This is a contemporary styled horn with minimal border engravings, the owner's name and a deer head.

Undecorated Horns

This is a N.C. southern banded horn. The following photos show what takes place in its construction.

the finished horn.

This is an F&I era horn with relief carved cartouche and band. it also has a period correct patch at base of horn with copper staples. It was donated to The 2013 Fort Roberdeau Market Faire and Rifle Frolic.

A philadelphis screw tip horn with horn band at base, fingerwoven strap with brain tan ends.

photo shows the typical "bell shaped" base plug.

This is an eastern buffalo horn with applied antler tip and white horn band. The base is natural finished curly maple. There is a copper staple in the base and on the neck for strap attachment.

Flat Horns

This horn was made at Jacobsburg Historical Society as an example to students there of what and how to make during a horn class. It was then donated to the Historical Society to give as a prize during their annual rendezvous.

This is a Tansel styled flat horn with a fish mouth and typical Tansel engravings.

A nautical themed flat horn with a captured french frigate on one side and a mermaid on the other with an anchor at the spout.

Here you can see the anchor at the spout

Horn boxes and cups

This is a compass box with period repair done with copper stitching.

this view shows the detailed turning of the wood

This is a custom ordered candle/tobacco box. All wood is cherry. The threaded dowel was turned and threaded by hand. All parts removable for travel/storage.

An interior view of the box.

This shows the final resting place of the box on the back right of the table.

This is a custom ordered candle/tobacco box. All wood is cherry. The threaded dowel was turned and threaded by hand. All parts removable for travel/storage.

This is a custom order large compass box.

the R.O.C. Cipher

This was a custom engraving ONLY. The owner had the cup and wished it to be embellished with the Rangers of the Ohio Company Cipher.

this side carries the OH Co'y of VA

the R.O.C. Cipher

This is a Polychromed (colored ink) engraved box with fraktur style art. It was made for an article in the "Horn Book" the publication of the Honourable Company of Horners.

This was a favorite of mine to do. This was a trade deal with Leslie Eaton Jewelry Designs. The cup is engraved with the portrait of one of her Great Danes, hops and barley and prose on the back. The cup was shaped and turned to resemble a craft beer glass.

Custom ordered horn patchbox with owners initials and Benjamin Franklin's Join or die snake on the side. Fits up to .62 caliber patches. Box has a pinned horn bottom.

This is a Tansel styled beaker (horn cup) that I made as one of my submissions for journeyman with the Honourable Company of Horners.

showing the "chimed" bottom of the cup.

This is a custom ordered single candle/tobacco box. the engravings are of the farm house, owners name and sentiments.

This photo shows all the pieces.

A really fun piece to make!! This is a medicine beaker engraved with e caduceus of mercury and increments of measure on the reverse. it also has a small measuring spoon for measuring the medicine powder.

showing translucency of the cup

engraved with the likeness of the Early Times whiskey label

Chimed bottom

engraved with the likeness of the Early Times whiskey label
Misc. Horn, Bone, and Antler Items

Whitetail Antler...Throws 75 grains of fffg.

Whitetail Antler...Throws 75 grains of fffg.

This is a gentleman's rum horn with stand. It is lined with brewer's pitch and "rum tight" (watertight). it is engraved with prose, Jacob Gay style of lettering and period imaged obtained from original pieces.

A custom Acorn tape measure made entirely from horn and silk ribbon. the top of the acorn spins to wind up the ribbon.

3 feet of silk ribbon marked in 1 inch increments.

A custom Acorn tape measure made entirely from horn and silk ribbon. the top of the acorn spins to wind up the ribbon.

This is a custom order horn gorget made for the commander of the Maryland Compay of Rogers Ranger, Jaegers BN. It carried the crest of Lord Baltimore on the face and the Rangers RR cipher on the back. The green silk florets are handmade as with the red silk neck cord. It is secured by horn posts and a waxed linen cord.

Back of gorget showing cord attachment

Custom 3 bone wingbone turkey call

made for my wife and engraved with the sun.

showing horn cross bar

shown worn in the hair.

made for my wife and engraved with the sun.